top of page, is a place where you can see what I am doing at my home to enhance the language development of my children as well as a place where we can engage in conversations about speech therapy, language therapy, communication disorders and speech and language development.
Come get some ideas that you can do at home with your child! 
Identify the Signs FREE Booklet
I am excited to offer a FREE booklet that contains many of the warning signs of early communication disorders. Get yours for FREE at my blog!
Identify the Signs Series


I have gone more indepth with the signs, what they mean, what typical development should look like and what you can do at home to help your child's skills develop. In addition, I've provided some red flags to watch for!

Summer Writing Series​

Writing may not seem to be a very speech-y thing, however when you consider the impication in language - specifically written language - having a good base knowledge of letter formation will help with getting thoughts and ideas onto paper in the most efficient and purposful way.


This started for us when my daugther wanted to write a note to a friend but after looking at the child's name realized that what she wrote was not what she really meant. It looked funny. Thus began our brief introduction to letter formation and handwriting. ​


Handwriting can be one of the most frustrating exercises for parents and children alike. My goals is to give quick, easy and super fun activities as rewards for practicing the letters, which in and of themselves encourage fine motor development. The best part is at the end of each set of letters, I have a field trip idea that we did along with a few others in case you want to celebrate another letter!

Find out what we did, and you can too! 

A Day with You​


I created this activity pack to give my husband something to do with our daugther when she was young. Since that time we have enjoyed this and other day long activity sets. Check out the activities that go along with We're Going on a Bear Hunt as well as Big Red Barn!

You will have so much fun making recipes, playing games and reading great stories.

Join the fun at!



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