Barnett Therapy Services
Partnering with Families to Improve Lives
Billy's Christian Counseling Blog is where I talk about everything from photography to discipline. It's a discussion about counseling, psychology, parenting and Christian principles. Billy's Christian Counseling Blog is designed to help families build lasting relationships and healthy communication with those they love.

Photography is Therapy
Everyone has a story to tell. As a counselor I spend a lot of time trying to help people examine their past. My job is to help people. One of the tools that I use is the past. People do the things they do, because of the things they have done. How we remember the past greatly influences our present thoughts and beliefs. I believe that photographs are one of the most overlooked tools for counseling and life in general. People are storytellers by nature. We want people to know where we have been. We want them to know how we feel. Our greatest stories can be written through photographic prints.

Leading as a Servant
These photographs should not really exist. They are of a very cute little girl at Epcot. Every photo has a story to tell. These are of my daughter and I’m proud of the story behind these pictures. You probably don’t know the story so I’ll tell it to you. I know they say that every picture is worth a thousand words, but these pictures are different. These pictures have 108,000 pictures behind them. Give or take a few thousand. I didn’t really count, but I averaged the numbers. I was a photographer at Epcot for three years between 1999 and 2002. I took about 150 pictures per day at Epcot, five days per week for three years. If you figure I worked at least forty-eight weeks a year for those three years, it comes out to about 108,000 pictures.